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转发“SSCI(A&HCI)国际学术论文写作与发文专题报告会” 通知

时间:2015-05-26 作者: 文章来源:体育竞技领航者 浏览量:

主  题:从编辑和审稿人角度来看如何在国际期刊发表论文
主要内容:探讨在国际期刊发表文章所面临的挑战和机遇以及作为研究者的困难和长处;如何将自己的文章包装好,并 能把研究用非常严谨的方式表达出来,说服国际读者。
报 告 人:高雪松
时  间:2015年5月28日(星期四)14:00
地  点:东北师范大学本部校区图书馆二楼报告厅

Writing for publication in international journals: The perspectives of an academic author, reviewer and editor

In this session, I will present a SWOT analysis of Chinese researchers’ efforts to publish their research internationally. Drawing on my experience as an academic author, manuscript reviewer, and editor, I will explore how we can frame our research in ways appealing to international readers and how we can present our research (specifically, qualitative studies) in rigorous manners.

通过这次讲座我首先会为中国语言教育研究者做一个SWOT分析, 探讨他们在国际期刊发表文章所面临的挑战和机遇以及自己作为研究者的困难和长处. 然后我用我自己的投稿审稿和编辑的经历来阐述如何将自己的文章包装好,并能把自己的研究用非常严谨的方式表达出来,说服国际读者,

Enhancing Qualitative Data Analysis with a Research Resource Map
We will reflect on common challenges that confront us when analyzing qualitative data and presenting qualitative findings. In order to present qualitative findings in analytically engaging manners, we will explore the use of a research resource map (Layder, 1991) in guiding and enhancing qualitative data analysis. The research resource map draws our attention to various contextual factors and processes surrounding our investigation foci in the processes of data collection and analysis. By doing so, it helps broaden our understanding and enrich our interpretation of qualitative data. This workshop will illustrate the application of this research resource map with data samples. Participants are also encouraged to bring their own data samples to the workshop.

Enhancing Qualitative Data Analysis with a Research Resource Map

我们将一起反思使用定性分析来做研究时可能遇到的困难和挑战. 为了使我们的定性数据可以表达的更吸引人, 我会演示如何用一个研究资源图(Layder, 1991)来引导和加强定性数据分析,这个数据图可以在定性研究的不同阶段(数据收集或分析)来引导我们关注研究聚集点之外的场景因素和过程对研究聚集点的影响. 这样一来,我们就可以扩大和加深我们对研究聚集点的分析和理解.讲座中,我会用我自己文章实例来演示如何用研究资源图来加强分析,也欢迎参加者携带自己的定性数据,我们可以一起做分析.